
incflo is a massively parallel code for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in 2-D or 3-D, with the option for an embedded boundary (cut cell) representation of of complex geometries.

It is built on top of AMReX, a publicly available software framework designed for building massively parallel block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) applications. It also utilizes AMReX-Hydro, a set of routines that support the construction of convective terms for incompressible and low Mach number flow modeling in cartesian coordinates with (or without) embedded boundaries and R-Z coordinate systems.

Another AMReX-based code, IAMR, also solves the variable-density incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in 2-D or 3-D but is based on a subcycling-in-time approach.

Key software and algorithmic features of incflo include:

  • Fluid velocity, density and tracers are defined at cell centroids; pressure is defined at nodes.

  • Possible advection algorithms: a Method-Of-Lines (MOL) approach and a Godunov-method algorithm. Both use an intermediate MAC projection for face-centered advection velocities

  • Incompressibility of the fluid is imposed through the use of a projection at the end of the time step

  • Implicit or explicit discretization of viscous terms with variable viscosity

  • The representation of the complex geometry uses the embedded boundary, or cut-cell, approach

  • Hybrid parallelization via MPI+X where X = OpenMP for multicore machines, and CUDA/HIP/DCP++ for CPU/GPU systems

  • Parallel I/O using AMReX native I/O or HDF5.

  • Plotfile format supported by AmrVis, VisIt, ParaView, and yt.

The incflo source code can be found at incflo heavily leverages AMReX (see which is supported by ECP as part of the AMReX Co-Design Center.