Problem Definition
The following inputs must be preceded by “amr.”
Description |
Type |
Default |
n_cell |
Number of cells at level 0 in each coordinate direction |
Int Int Int |
None |
max_level |
Maximum level of refinement allowed (0 when single-level) |
Int |
None |
The following inputs must be preceded by “geometry.”
Description |
Type |
Default |
coord_sys |
0 for Cartesian |
Int |
0 |
is_periodic |
1 for true, 0 for false (one value for each coordinate direction) |
Ints |
0 0 0 |
prob_lo |
Low corner of physical domain (physical not index space) |
Reals |
None |
prob_hi |
High corner of physical domain (physical not index space) |
Reals |
None |
The following inputs must be preceded by “incflo.”
Description |
Type |
Default |
geometry |
Which type of EB geometry are we using? |
String |
gravity |
Gravity vector (e.g., incflo.gravity = -9.81 0.0 0.0) |
Reals |
(0, 0, 0) |
delp |
Pressure drop (Pa) |
Real |
(0, 0, 0) |
Setting basic boundary conditions can be specified by inputs preceded by “xlo”, “xhi”, “ylo”, “yhi”, “zlo”, and “zhi”
Description |
Type |
Default |
type |
Used to define boundary type. Available options include:
String |
None |
pressure |
Sets boundary pressure for pressure inflows, outflows and mass inflows |
Real |
None |
velocity |
Sets boundary velocity for mass inflows |
Reals |
(0, 0, 0) |
density |
Sets boundary density for mass inflows |
Real |
1.0 |
tracer |
Sets boundary tracer for mass inflows |
Real |
0.0 |
The ‘mixed’ boundary type allows for inflow and outflow on the same domain face. The implementation requires that there is EB separating the inflow and outflow regions, and only currently treats constant viscosity (i.e. requires the inputs file contains
incflo.use_tensor_solve = false
). It does allow for non-constant scalar diffusivity. To create a new problem setup with mixed BCs, one must additionally specify the Dirchlet and Neumann areas inprob/prob_bc.cpp
In this file there are functions to set the needed BC info for the diffusion solver, the MAC projection, and with the same function, the nodal projection and advection. Comments in the code provide a detailed explanation for each instance. For additional details on mixed BCs, also see AMReX-Hydro’s documentation (Boundary conditions).