
Here we offer some tips we have found useful when debugging.

If the code is crashing, compile with DEBUG=TRUE and then examine the Backtrace file produced from running with the debug executable. Using the debug executable will also turn on additional checks within the code (these are AMREX_ASSERT() statements). Many times, these additional checks or the Backtrace can point you to the problem.

It can be helpful to simplify the problem as much as possible before digging into debugging. For example, reduce the problem size and set amr.max_level as small as possible. Diffusion and viscosity can be turned off by setting ns.vel_visc_coef = 0 and ns.scal_diff_coefs = 0.

Sometimes, restarting from a checkpoint file can reduce the amount of time spent waiting for the code to fail durning the debugging process.

If the problem only happens with multilevel runs, amr.subcycling_mode = None will turn time subcycling off and advance the whole system at the same dt.

Visualizing the data between plotiles can sometimes be helpful. One option is to use

void amrex::WriteSingleLevelPlotfile (const std::string &plotfilename,
                                      const MultiFab &mf,
                                      const Vector<std::string> &varnames,
                                      const Geometry &geom,
                                      Real time,
                                      int level_step);

Plotfiles can be compared using AMReX’s fcompare tool found in amrex/Tools/Plotfile. Another option is to write a MultiFab to disk with

amrex::VisMF::Write(const FabArray<FArrayBox>& mf, const std::string& name)

This can then be examined in Amrvis by passing the -mf flag. Two MultiFab s can be compared using the AMReX tool DiffMultiFab found in amrex/Tools/C_util/DiffMultiFab.

Please also read AMReX’s documentation: Debugging for more information and tips.

If you believe you’ve encountered a bug or incorrect behavior in IAMR, please report the issue on IAMR’s github page here .