AMReX-based hydro routines for low Mach number flows


#define XVEL   0
#define YVEL   1
#define ZVEL   2


void HydroUtils::enforceInOutSolvability (const amrex::Vector< amrex::Array< amrex::MultiFab *, AMREX_SPACEDIM >> &vels_vec, amrex::BCRec const *bc_type, const amrex::Vector< amrex::Geometry > &geom, bool include_bndry_corners=false)
 Enforces solvablity by scaling outflow to match with inflow. More...
void HydroUtils::ExtrapVelToFaces (amrex::MultiFab const &vel, amrex::MultiFab const &vel_forces, AMREX_D_DECL(amrex::MultiFab &u_mac, amrex::MultiFab &v_mac, amrex::MultiFab &w_mac), amrex::Vector< amrex::BCRec > const &h_bcrec, amrex::BCRec const *d_bcrec, const amrex::Geometry &geom, amrex::Real dt, bool godunov_ppm, bool godunov_use_forces_in_trans, std::string const &advection_type, int limiter_type=PPM::default_limiter, bool allow_inflow_on_outflow=false, amrex::iMultiFab *BC_MF=nullptr)


static constexpr amrex::Real small_vel = amrex::Real(1.e-8)
static constexpr amrex::Real hydro_covered_val = amrex::Real(1.0e40)

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define XVEL   0

Index for the X velocity component.


#define YVEL   1

Index for the Y velocity component.


#define ZVEL   2

Index for the Z velocity component.

Function Documentation

◆ enforceInOutSolvability()

void HydroUtils::enforceInOutSolvability ( const Vector< Array< MultiFab *, AMREX_SPACEDIM >> &  vels_vec,
const BCRec bc_type,
const Vector< Geometry > &  geom,
bool  include_bndry_corners 

Enforces solvablity by scaling outflow to match with inflow.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ExtrapVelToFaces()

void HydroUtils::ExtrapVelToFaces ( amrex::MultiFab const &  vel,
amrex::MultiFab const &  vel_forces,
AMREX_D_DECL(amrex::MultiFab &u_mac, amrex::MultiFab &v_mac, amrex::MultiFab &w_mac)  ,
amrex::Vector< amrex::BCRec > const &  h_bcrec,
amrex::BCRec const *  d_bcrec,
const amrex::Geometry geom,
amrex::Real  dt,
bool  godunov_ppm,
bool  godunov_use_forces_in_trans,
std::string const &  advection_type,
int  limiter_type = PPM::default_limiter,
bool  allow_inflow_on_outflow = false,
amrex::iMultiFab BC_MF = nullptr 
Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ hydro_covered_val

constexpr amrex::Real hydro_covered_val = amrex::Real(1.0e40)

◆ small_vel

small_vel = amrex::Real(1.e-8)

What we consider a ~zero velocity when upwinding.