AMReX-based hydro routines for low Mach number flows
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * \file hydro_godunov_plm.H
3  *
4  * \addtogroup Godunov
5  * @{
6  */
11 #include <AMReX_Slopes_K.H>
12 #include <AMReX_Gpu.H>
13 #include <AMReX_FArrayBox.H>
14 #include <AMReX_BCRec.H>
15 #include <AMReX_BC_TYPES.H>
16 #include <AMReX_Array.H>
17 #include <iomanip>
18 #include <hydro_constants.H>
20 namespace PLM {
22 void PredictVelOnXFace ( amrex::Box const& xebox, int ncomp,
26  const amrex::Geometry& geom,
27  amrex::Real dt,
28  amrex::Vector<amrex::BCRec> const& h_bcrec,
29  amrex::BCRec const* pbc,
30  amrex::Array4<int const> const& bc_arr = {});
32 void PredictVelOnYFace ( amrex::Box const& yebox, int ncomp,
36  const amrex::Geometry& geom,
37  amrex::Real dt,
38  amrex::Vector<amrex::BCRec> const& h_bcrec,
39  amrex::BCRec const* pbc,
40  amrex::Array4<int const> const& bc_arr= {});
42 #if (AMREX_SPACEDIM==3)
43 void PredictVelOnZFace ( amrex::Box const& zebox, int ncomp,
47  const amrex::Geometry& geom,
48  amrex::Real dt,
49  amrex::Vector<amrex::BCRec> const& h_bcrec,
50  amrex::BCRec const* pbc,
51  amrex::Array4<int const> const& bc_arr= {});
52 #endif
56 void PredictStateOnXFace ( const int i, const int j, const int k, const int n,
57  const amrex::Real dt, const amrex::Real dx,
58  amrex::Real& Im, amrex::Real& Ip,
60  const amrex::Real& umac,
61  const amrex::BCRec bc,
62  const int domain_ilo, const int domain_ihi,
63  const bool is_velocity )
64 {
65  using namespace amrex;
66  {
67  bool extdir_or_ho_ilo = (bc.lo(0) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
68  (bc.lo(0) == BCType::hoextrap);
69  bool extdir_or_ho_ihi = (bc.hi(0) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
70  (bc.hi(0) == BCType::hoextrap);
72  Real upls, umns;
74  int order = 4;
76  if (i == domain_ilo && ((bc.lo(0) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
77  (bc.lo(0) == BCType::direction_dependent && umac >= 0.0)) )
78  {
79  umns = S(i-1,j,k,n);
81  if ( n==XVEL && is_velocity )
82  {
83  upls = S(i-1,j,k,n);
84  }
85  else
86  {
87  upls = S(i ,j,k,n) + Real(0.5) * (-Real(1.0) - umac * dt/dx) *
88  amrex_calc_xslope_extdir(i ,j,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_ilo, extdir_or_ho_ihi, domain_ilo, domain_ihi);
89  }
91  }
92  else if (i == domain_ihi+1 && ((bc.hi(0) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
93  (bc.hi(0) == BCType::direction_dependent && umac <= 0.0)) )
94  {
95  upls = S(i ,j,k,n);
97  if ( n==XVEL && is_velocity )
98  {
99  umns = S(i,j,k,n);
100  }
101  else
102  {
103  umns = S(i-1,j,k,n) + Real(0.5) * ( Real(1.0) - umac * dt/dx) *
104  amrex_calc_xslope_extdir(i-1,j,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_ilo, extdir_or_ho_ihi, domain_ilo, domain_ihi);
105  }
106  }
107  else
108  {
109  // Note that we still call the "extdir version" here because interior cells one
110  // away from the boundary will still see the boundary condition in the 4th order
111  // slope
112  upls = S(i ,j,k,n) + Real(0.5) * (-Real(1.0) - umac * dt/dx) *
113  amrex_calc_xslope_extdir(i ,j,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_ilo, extdir_or_ho_ihi, domain_ilo, domain_ihi);
114  umns = S(i-1,j,k,n) + Real(0.5) * ( Real(1.0) - umac * dt/dx) *
115  amrex_calc_xslope_extdir(i-1,j,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_ilo, extdir_or_ho_ihi, domain_ilo, domain_ihi);
116  }
118  Ip = umns;
119  Im = upls;
120  }
121 }
125 void PredictStateOnYFace ( const int i, const int j, const int k, const int n,
126  const amrex::Real dt, const amrex::Real dy,
127  amrex::Real& Im, amrex::Real& Ip,
129  const amrex::Real& vmac,
130  const amrex::BCRec bc,
131  const int domain_jlo, const int domain_jhi,
132  const bool is_velocity )
133 {
134  using namespace amrex;
135  {
136  bool extdir_or_ho_jlo = (bc.lo(1) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
137  (bc.lo(1) == BCType::hoextrap);
138  bool extdir_or_ho_jhi = (bc.hi(1) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
139  (bc.hi(1) == BCType::hoextrap);
141  Real vpls, vmns;
143  int order = 4;
145  if (j == domain_jlo && ((bc.lo(1) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
146  (bc.lo(1) == BCType::direction_dependent && vmac >= 0.0)) )
147  {
148  vmns = S(i,j-1,k,n);
149  if ( n==YVEL && is_velocity )
150  {
151  vpls = S(i,j-1,k,n);
152  }
153  else
154  {
155  vpls = S(i,j ,k,n) + Real(0.5) * (-Real(1.0) - vmac * dt/dy) *
156  amrex_calc_yslope_extdir(i,j ,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_jlo, extdir_or_ho_jhi, domain_jlo, domain_jhi);
157  }
158  }
159  else if (j == domain_jhi+1 && ((bc.hi(1) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
160  (bc.hi(1) == BCType::direction_dependent && vmac <= 0.0)) )
161  {
162  vpls = S(i,j ,k,n);
163  if ( n==YVEL && is_velocity )
164  {
165  vmns = S(i,j ,k,n);
166  }
167  else
168  {
169  vmns = S(i,j-1,k,n) + Real(0.5) * ( Real(1.0) - vmac * dt/dy) *
170  amrex_calc_yslope_extdir(i,j-1,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_jlo, extdir_or_ho_jhi, domain_jlo, domain_jhi);
171  }
172  }
173  else
174  {
175  // Note that we still call the "extdir version" here because interior cells one
176  // away from the boundary will still see the boundary condition in the 4th order
177  // slope
178  vpls = S(i,j ,k,n) + Real(0.5) * (-Real(1.0) - vmac * dt/dy) *
179  amrex_calc_yslope_extdir(i,j ,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_jlo, extdir_or_ho_jhi, domain_jlo, domain_jhi);
180  vmns = S(i,j-1,k,n) + Real(0.5) * ( Real(1.0) - vmac * dt/dy) *
181  amrex_calc_yslope_extdir(i,j-1,k,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_jlo, extdir_or_ho_jhi, domain_jlo, domain_jhi);
182  }
184  Ip = vmns;
185  Im = vpls;
186  }
187 }
189 #if (AMREX_SPACEDIM==3)
192 void PredictStateOnZFace ( const int i, const int j, const int k, const int n,
193  const amrex::Real dt, const amrex::Real dz,
194  amrex::Real& Im, amrex::Real& Ip,
196  const amrex::Real& wmac,
197  const amrex::BCRec bc,
198  const int domain_klo, const int domain_khi,
199  const bool is_velocity )
200 {
201  using namespace amrex;
202  {
203  bool extdir_or_ho_klo = (bc.lo(2) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
204  (bc.lo(2) == BCType::hoextrap);
205  bool extdir_or_ho_khi = (bc.hi(2) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
206  (bc.hi(2) == BCType::hoextrap);
208  Real wpls, wmns;
210  int order = 4;
212  if (k == domain_klo && ((bc.lo(2) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
213  (bc.lo(2) == BCType::direction_dependent && wmac >= 0.0)) )
214  {
215  wmns = S(i,j,k-1,n);
216  if ( n == ZVEL && is_velocity )
217  {
218  wpls = S(i,j,k-1,n);
219  }
220  else
221  {
222  wpls = S(i,j,k ,n) + Real(0.5) * (-Real(1.0) - wmac * dt/dz) *
223  amrex_calc_zslope_extdir(i,j,k ,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_klo, extdir_or_ho_khi, domain_klo, domain_khi);
224  }
225  }
226  else if (k == domain_khi+1 && ((bc.hi(2) == BCType::ext_dir) ||
227  (bc.hi(2) == BCType::direction_dependent && wmac <= 0.0)) )
228  {
229  wpls = S(i,j,k ,n);
230  if ( n == ZVEL && is_velocity )
231  {
232  wmns = S(i,j,k ,n);
233  }
234  else
235  {
236  wmns = S(i,j,k-1,n) + Real(0.5) * ( Real(1.0) - wmac * dt/dz) *
237  amrex_calc_zslope_extdir(i,j,k-1,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_klo, extdir_or_ho_khi, domain_klo, domain_khi);
238  }
239  }
240  else
241  {
242  // Note that we still call the "extdir version" here because interior cells one
243  // away from the boundary will still see the boundary condition in the 4th order
244  // slope
245  wpls = S(i,j,k ,n) + Real(0.5) * (-Real(1.0) - wmac * dt/dz) *
246  amrex_calc_zslope_extdir(i,j,k ,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_klo, extdir_or_ho_khi, domain_klo, domain_khi);
247  wmns = S(i,j,k-1,n) + Real(0.5) * ( Real(1.0) - wmac * dt/dz) *
248  amrex_calc_zslope_extdir(i,j,k-1,n,order,S, extdir_or_ho_klo, extdir_or_ho_khi, domain_klo, domain_khi);
249  }
251  Ip = wmns;
252  Im = wpls;
253  }
254 }
255 #endif
257 }
258 #endif
259 /** @} */
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const int * hi() const &noexcept
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const int * lo() const &noexcept
#define YVEL
Definition: hydro_constants.H:29
#define XVEL
Definition: hydro_constants.H:28
#define ZVEL
Definition: hydro_constants.H:30
Definition: hydro_godunov_plm.H:20
AMREX_GPU_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE void PredictStateOnYFace(const int i, const int j, const int k, const int n, const amrex::Real dt, const amrex::Real dy, amrex::Real &Im, amrex::Real &Ip, const amrex::Array4< const amrex::Real > &S, const amrex::Real &vmac, const amrex::BCRec bc, const int domain_jlo, const int domain_jhi, const bool is_velocity)
Definition: hydro_godunov_plm.H:125
AMREX_GPU_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE void PredictStateOnXFace(const int i, const int j, const int k, const int n, const amrex::Real dt, const amrex::Real dx, amrex::Real &Im, amrex::Real &Ip, const amrex::Array4< const amrex::Real > &S, const amrex::Real &umac, const amrex::BCRec bc, const int domain_ilo, const int domain_ihi, const bool is_velocity)
Definition: hydro_godunov_plm.H:56
void PredictVelOnYFace(amrex::Box const &yebox, int ncomp, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real > const &Imy, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real > const &Ipy, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real const > const &q, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real const > const &vcc, const amrex::Geometry &geom, amrex::Real dt, amrex::Vector< amrex::BCRec > const &h_bcrec, amrex::BCRec const *pbc, amrex::Array4< int const > const &bc_arr={})
void PredictVelOnXFace(amrex::Box const &xebox, int ncomp, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real > const &Imx, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real > const &Ipx, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real const > const &q, amrex::Array4< amrex::Real const > const &vcc, const amrex::Geometry &geom, amrex::Real dt, amrex::Vector< amrex::BCRec > const &h_bcrec, amrex::BCRec const *pbc, amrex::Array4< int const > const &bc_arr={})
AMREX_GPU_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE Real amrex_calc_yslope_extdir(int i, int j, int k, int n, int order, amrex::Array4< Real const > const &q, bool edlo, bool edhi, int domlo, int domhi) noexcept
AMREX_GPU_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE Real amrex_calc_xslope_extdir(int i, int j, int k, int n, int order, amrex::Array4< Real const > const &q, bool edlo, bool edhi, int domlo, int domhi) noexcept